Dachau- Never Again

Never again does not mean I’d never go back. I actually think everyone who has the chance to visit should.  It’s even required that once children going to school in Germany enter 8th grade they are to visit and be educated on what happened.  It’s not a visit that you enjoy and to say my feelings are all over the place on this would be an understatement.

No amount of documentaries, movies, books or photos could prepare me for how I felt upon entering the gates at Dachau.  The rot iron gate at the entrance reads “Arbeit Macht Frei” or work sets you free.  For the 100s of thousands of humans that entered those gates, the only way they would really become free would be to die.

Even after the liberation of the camp on  April 29, 1945, an additional 7,000 humans died. They survived the brutal and barbaric conditions under Hitler, Himmler and the SS, only to fall to their death when freedom was at their fingertips.

On the site of Dachau, which is now a memorial, there are 5 different denominations of churches or places of worship, Protestant, Catholic, Carmelite, Jewish and Russian Orthodox.

The Bell Tower outside the Catholic church rings at 2:50 each day to commemorate the exact time the camp was liberated

  These places of worship continue to hold services today. When the bulk of my tour was complete our guide encouraged us to spend some time in the museum.  I chose to visit each of the churches instead.  Oddly enough, I felt a sense of belonging in every one of them and prayed the same prayer in each one that our world never see something like this again.  This wasn’t or isn’t just a “German thing”.  It’s a human thing that happens when there is Fear.

I will end with a saying that is outside the “Krematorium” which in reality was a death factory, not a Crematorium.  When someone is cremated it is a sign of respect for their body and life and at Dachau and all the other camps, it was done to extinguish life.

Denket daran wie wir hier starben.  Think of how we Died  Here.

Apparently you can have your Zimtschnecke and eat it too:)

Yesterday or today, depending on what time zone you are in when reading this, I spent my first full day in Munich.  And when I say full, I mean full. I


ended up walking around for 16 miles yesterday taking in as much as I can.  I guess this also counts for taking in as many carbs as I could too! The Brezels and Zihmsweke did not disappoint.

To start off the day I headed to the English Garden for a very jet lagged run. After making my way through the congested streets and sidewalks (thank goodness for bike bells), I found myself in what could only be described an oasis. One minute you are surrounded by the noises of a busy city street and the next it’s the sound of silence. As soon as I was inside running along one of the many paths, I kept thinking I could get lost in here all day. Funnily enough, as I mentioned there were all those paths and yeah I did get a little lost but didn’t mind one bit. I couldn’t get over how lush, green and quiet it was inside the canopies of all the trees. At one point it started to rain (hence all that green) but it was one of those special rain showers where the sun is still shining making it feel only that more magical.

Something about this spot reminded me a little of Boston Common


One of the traditions I started when I was in Greece last year was going for a run and then getting a Starbucks to see how they would spell my name. It’s hard enough in English, but I became enamored with seeing it in another language. Here in Munich, I am “Kellen”. While the general idea for my name was there, I think there was something lost in translation. However, if you asked my brother to say my name up until about 5 years ago he’d never pronounce the ‘t’ and I was always “Kay-Lin”, so I guess “Kellen” isn’t that far off.

I spent the afternoon making my way to Olympia Park to see all the stadiums, swim centers and ice arenas. I stumbled upon what felt a little to me like a Flea Market and I immediately thought how much my cousin May would love it and for her sake did a once around. As luck would have it, my walk around led me to a Biergarten that was showing the World Cup Match and I decided to sit down with all the German fans and cheer on their team. At halftime (Is it even called halftime in soccer? My brother would be so disappointed that I don’t know this), it started to thunder and storm and for a few minutes I thought “ahh this will pass, I can hang”. But, as I listened to the thunder get louder, I realized two things 1) I’m not even German and 2) With the exception of the World Cup, I’ve probably watched like 5 matches in my life sooo I’m really not that invested and it’s totally acceptable to take cover.

The rest of my night was not that exciting, save for the fire that happened outside of my hotel. Luckily it was quickly put out and only marginal amounts of smoke.   I did have another realization as the Polizei and Feuerwehrmann started to show up with their sirens blaring. I think part of me was also somewhat expecting the likes of Jason Bourne to show up. I guess the European siren for me means massive car chases down narrow streets. In case you were wondering, no Jason Bourne and not even an Ethan Hunt in the lot. There’s always tomorrow I guess.

Stay Tuned for More traveling adventures!






S.O.S IV..cue the Rocky Music and Travel Montage

If I can Summer of Shanley for the fourth time, and you can follow along for the fourth time, then we all can Summer of Shanley. As the years keep coming, it’s definitely going to get harder to make movie comparisons to my journeys.  I’ve lucked out this year in using quite possibly my favorite Rocky movie.  I know that wasn’t quite the quote but if you’ve seen the movie, you’ll get it.

The first part of my summer I’ll be traveling to Germany, Spain and Portugal to see some sites and hopefully if those countries can hold on some World Cup games too!  After Europe, it’s back to the States.  First Boston for some family and framily fun and then Michigan for relaxing and Camp Shout Out.

This is my last summer in my 30’s and I’m not sure if that means I need to find someone to be in a relationship with other than my passport or if the Summer of Shanleys will continue well into my old age.  Either way, I will make this one count just in case it’s the former.

I think after my 8th packing and repacking of my suitcase it is almost time for this Wander Woman to hit the road.  Over Packer and Over Snacker til the end. Let the Catch Flights Not Feelings Tour begin!