Leaving San Francisco wasn’t easy, but knowing that I’d spend my first day away from it with my cousin Rich, Wes, and my Donut Friend John, I knew that I’d be able to handle my sadness surrounded by love and friendship. So, I snacked up, packed up and hit the road for the first stop on the Summer of Shanley. The Scaits Across the States tour had begun.

Just as I had predicted my brief time in LA was filled with love and good company. Rich and Wes always treat me to one of their favorite local restaurants and we got to catch up on all the things. My cousin also knows his cousin best and had a fresh batch of his famous chocolate chip cookies waiting for me when I got back to his place I’m always ready to test out his latest and greatest cookie experiments. Getting to spend some time with a fellow donut aficionado like John not only gave me an excuse to get more than one donut (one, for now, one for the road) but also some time spent getting to know him a little better beyond our mutual love for donuts. My last official hours in the state of California could not have been better spent. Next stop, Boulder City, Nevada to check out the Hoover Dam.
Before getting to Boulder City, I made a quick pit stop in Vegas to pick up my good friend Courtney as she was going to join me for the first portion of my road trip. She’s a great friend to have on the road. Not only is she a great DJ and understands my love for road snacks, but she also knows how to operate on that fine line between when to tell stories and when it’s ok to just be still and silent. She also always has your back…I’ve got the photos to prove it!
Sporting my Ranger Rick Gear
I had been to Nevada many times for trips to Tahoe, Reno or Vegas but I had never been to see the Hoover Dam. I didn’t really know what to expect as to where it would be, what would be nearby and would it even be cool. I can now tell you it’s on the Nevada Arizona line, there’s not too much around it and yes it would very much be cool to go check out. When you arrive at the dam, there is security that you have to check in with. I didn’t think too much of it when we pulled up, but then when they started asking me if I had guns or a dead body in my car, I remembered all my belongings packed ever so neatly but hidden under some black fabric (Thank you JoAnns fabric). One of them asked, “Hey do you mind if I move this and do you mind opening your trunk?” My first response was, “You’re gonna put it all, back right?” Luckily after all that fuss, they simply peeked in and figured I wasn’t storing a dead body in all my luggage…or was I??? I’ll never tell if you don’t. The next day as we were headed downstairs to check out, I realized I looked as if I had been staying there for a month and not a year. I was going to have to work on this whole luggage thing as the trip continued.

From Nevada, we drove to live “Life Elevated” in Utah. Most specifically we were headed to Zion and Bryce Canyon to do some exploring. Zion was up first. As we got closer Zion National Park, I started to feel like we were in a movie and the scene is where the two people are driving in the car and you can totally tell that the background is fake. It was jaw-droppingly stunning, to say the least. People kept asking me if I was going to camp in any of these places along my trip. Let’s just say while I know I could totally handle camping; I also know that I don’t really want to camp. So, I split the difference and opted for Glamping! Our “tent” was cozy and the perfect spot to lay our heads at night after long days out on the trails. In Zion, we spent our days hiking to points with endless views and trekking up rivers to explore the Narrows. The water can get pretty fierce and if you’re not careful, you could get swept under (or so I’m told…he he). While on one of our hikes, we noticed the strangest thing. Squirrels. I know you are thinking; Caitlin squirrels are a dime a dozen; how does that classify as strange? Well, it would appear that everyone else hiking in Zion had never seen a squirrel. I saw multiple people trying to pet them, taking videos of them and cooing over them. Like actual cooing as if they were a cute puppy or baby. There were times that a whole crowd had gathered around the squirrel. I will give this to them, these were no average squirrels, they have clearly been fed by the park guests and were not at all afraid to put themselves on display. But still, super weird. Have we been underestimating the squirrel this whole time??
Honey, Im home. This is Glamping Winning the award for Most Patriotic Hiker on the 4th Observation Point, Zion Right before I went under.
As we got ready to head to Bryce, I started to wonder if it could compare to all the amazing sites we’d just witnessed at Zion. Upon arriving at our first vista point after getting off the shuttle from the Visitor’s Center, I had my answer. Out of this world. Once we started hiking down, I felt that I no longer was somewhere in the United States in the year 2019. I was transported to another time and another world. It simply could not be present day America. In the Canyon, I did my best to capture its beauty, but found that pictures do not quite do it justice. I also think some of the pictures didn’t come out that great because any time you stopped to take a photo you would get swarmed with bugs. I think it was their “kind” way of telling you” keep it movin’ sister and just enjoy the moment. ”
Looked like a giant chess game to me Getting Swarmed by the bugs, but Sun Safety First Retrieving a lost hat Panoramic view
On a completely off topic subject from hiking, exploring and the views, I would like to say that this is the first time I’ve truly experienced the phenomenon of “dry heat” and I am a fan. I don’t know about you, but growing up if I had a dime for every time, I heard the phrase, “It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity” I’d be one well to do lady. Most days it’s been sunny and well into the 90’s, sometimes the 100’s and yet I don’t feel as if I need to take a shower five seconds after walking outside. And can we just have a moment of silence for all the frizzy haired folk like myself. Can a bad hair day even be possible in Utah? My guess is no. I know I can’t stay here forever, but I will be running my fingers through my silky hair a few more times than normal before I go.
This leaves us off at the fourth leg of the trip. Legs five and six will be taking us to Arizona to visit many more of the sites this country has to offer. Stay tuned! Also, Go USA Women’s Soccer!!! XOXO , Caitlin