This summer I will be taking my adventures to a few new places. Typically my summers consist of my two favorite places, Harbor Springs Michigan and Boston, Massachusetts. Both of these places bring me such joy that it was hard to let one of them go this summer. I know that the 5th Avenue Dock and my Harry Potter nook at 6th 5th Avenue will always be waiting for

me when I am ready so it was Harbor Springs that I chose to sacrifice.
In a few days I will close up my office for 9 weeks and do my very best to not check work email until I return to San Francisco in August.
From now until then I will challenge myself with the Double Dipsea race, spend much needed catch up time with my friends living in Bermuda while one trains for America’s Cup, take my super speech geek skills to South Africa to work at The Learning Vine School and finish with some quality summer in the city time back in the Dirty E with my family and friends.

Hope you will come visit the site and see if I made this summer worthy of a good sequel.